These black & whites were taken by my friend Shelly. The twins had their shots that day, so considering the pain they were in, they did great. I think they all turned out really good. Man, I love these sweet kids!
Time has flown by and I love being home with our children. Miles and Macy are staying awake a lot more during the day which makes it more rewarding. They are both smiling but it's hard to catch a real one. They have brought such joy into our lives and I don't want them to grow too fast!
sometimes you just have to use the paci, they were getting sick of the photo shoot
WE GOT OUR FIRST SNOW!! The kids finally got our first snowfall of the year. Fruita had 3 in. and we had a blast playing and then coming in for hot chocolate.
We decided to head to Salt Lake last weekend to bless the twins with family and friends. Matt's blessings were really wonderful and inspired by the spirit. The pictures were at the end of sacrament and Miles and Macy were tired and hungry. So I kept clicking anyway.....making memories right? Anyway, these are our beautiful children and we do feel so blessed to have them all in our lives.